Contact us

To contact us please fill in required information in the following form, include your message and click “Send”. We will promptly respond to all queries.

Contact info

344 El. Venizelou Av.& Posidonos Av., 176 75 Kallithea

T: +30 2109426431


Working hours

Our clinic is open:

Monday to Friday
8:30 — 14:30 and 18:00 – 21:00

For patients from abroad

If you are looking for high quality dental care at affordable prices, our clinic is the best solution. The process is simple and you can contact us via email at

  1. First, you should send us an email explaining your needs.
  2. You will then be asked to send us all the necessary information about your medical and dental history and, if needed, to send us your X-rays. Your medical history will allow us to choose the treatment that will fulfill your expectations.
  3. All your questions will be answered in writing, free of charge, and you will be informed about the possible alternative treatments.
  4. When you accept the proposed treatment plan, we can schedule all your dental sessions so that you can plan your trip.
  5. At the clinic, you will be examined and we will proceed to the agreed treatment. If needed in complicated cases, we might need to collect some additional diagnostic information.
  6. At the end of your treatment, you will receive all relevant documents of the dental work carried out.

Note: Please be informed that we can arrange a taxi to pick you up and bring you to our clinic. Also, we can help you organize your stay in Athens and your free time between the dental sessions.