
These are almost perfect replacements of natural teeth, for cases of tooth loss.

These are almost perfect replacements of natural teeth, for cases of tooth loss. They are mainly used in two cases:

When there are no supports to attach a conventional, fixed bridge or when we simply do not wish to grind healthy, intact teeth to use them as abutments. Moreover, they are used to affix or replace (depending on the number of implants) removable prosthetics, such as dentures or appliances.

In most cases, they are installed quickly and painlessly without incisions, sutures, bleeding or swelling. Our long experience (accumulated since 1996) ensures patient comfort and predictable outcomes. Nonetheless, detailed planning following a radiographic assessment is still necessary. In some cases, ridge augmentation may be required at the implant site (bone/gums), extending the treatment time and cost.

Wherever possible, we offer the flapless procedure which lasts only a few minutes (without incisions, sutures etc., similar to laparoscopic procedures in General Surgery), which makes implant installation simpler and more painless than a small tooth extraction.